There's very little time left, everything is ready to go, this year has really suffered from numerous setbacks and reorganisations, but we're here. TJ9MD will take off on November 2nd to be operational, hopefully on the 3rd night with a couple of stations and then start assembling the entire setup on November 4th! as always 6 and 160 will be the last bands we will activate, we hope for good openings, and believe that the VOACAP forecast prepared especially for us will be useful to you
We invite you, for those who have not already done so, to fill out our questionnaire on: (SURVEY PAGE) this will also be useful for us to try to keep the majority happy number of friends. Remember for any problem in the logs, write only and exclusively to Giuliano IK2VUC, for everything else our Pilots N1DG, IZ8FFA, M0OXO, HK3W are at your disposal.
needless to say, any help is welcome, we'll be on the air 73's TJ9MD team
I’m looking forward to seeing you on the air, TJ is ATNO for me. I believe in your expedition’s success.