Again E.M.E.

After the good actvity from Djibouti we BIS form Cameroon, same setup of last year but with a new antenna, this year we have a 30 el croix…… see you in the stars


  1. Hello! I am very interested in contacting you on 2m EME 😉 What is your 2m station (power and antenna)? Can your antenna see the moon setting over the ocean to the west? What is your actual location? The announcement said you will be operating from the coast in Kribi (JJ42WW) but QRZ shows you in the middle of the country in JJ54xi.. where will you really be setting up? Are you taking skeds or only calling CQ? What is your 2m EME frequency and mode? Will you be using Q65-60A or JT65A? I look forward to hearing from you and am anxious to contact you! GL and VY 73, Lance

    • > Hello dear friends!
      > i would like to inform you about my project to activate ever first time Cameroon via EME 2M in our great DXPedition soon.
      > Last year was great fun from Djibouti and finaly we had an great success with 131 QSOs over the moon.
      > I prepared allready the setup as folow:
      > ### I will take new antenna with me. This was developed by Antennas&Amplifiers and me. This is the unique antenna in the world.
      > The antenna have 10,5m boom and it’s CROSS antenna with 2×15 elements. Disassembled the antenna ist just 1.4m long and have 9,5kg of total weight.
      > The best of this is, the antenna have 15dB gain and can handle up to 1.5 KW. F/B = 35dB.
      > ### I bought new extremly high quality coax cable, the SUCOFLEX 104. This cable are made by HUBER+SUHNER company for frequencies up to 26.5 GHz. So, on 144 MHz this coax can handle over 1000W, is made entirely of silver and have just 5.5mm diameter.
      > ### The mast ist also new one, that i made with special POM tube at the end, so that the V-field working interference free.
      > I was mounted an rebuild new climbing clipstick ( made by EVO sport), so i can move the antenna very precise and quick in the vertical direction.
      > ### The RIG’s are:
      > 1. YAESU FT-857D & PSU
      > 2. Power amplifier RFP Phoenix 1000A with 1000W, so DiGi abt. 750W
      > 3. Power notebook, ASUS, 12 core gamer NB & windows 11
      > 4. Sequencer DCW-15 & SSB-Elektronik PRE-amplifier’s
      > 5. Software will be MSHV, Mode will be mainly JT-65B. If all working perfect I will give a try also with Q65-mode.
      > Please all questions about the EME-project feel free and send this direct to me:
      > Please put some pics and the informations in our webpage.

      > Ant, i will send you the pics via WhatsApp, here was to big the attachment for the group email.

      > I cant wait to see you all guys soon!
      > Best 73!
      > VY 73! Emil Bergmann, de DL8JJ

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