09/09/203 @10:04 utc 9Q2WX go in QRT
01/09/2023 “power shutt down again 5 x times in 15 minutes I have to stop” His is a fixed message that we receive from Vlad every day now!!! the turbine that generates the current occasionally throws a tantrum and forces Vlad to turn off the radios so as not to damage the equipment
21/08/2023 after a long day of job, first nigth of activity, 15mt and 40 ft8..today start also on cw-ssb .. now relax !

20/08/2023 long day with many problem, install antenna alone is not easy, today put up 30/40/80 mt.

18/08/2023 14:10 utc Vlad is arrived, also begs is arrived, exit from airport after 3h of stop for bug, but all is ok now is on the car direction home!! tomorrow mornig start to install antennas farm
18/08/2023 Vlad wait fly frmm Addis Abeba to 9Q land!

14/05/2023 official logo issued:

11/05/2023 Announce Dx-Pedition