Band | 160 | 80 | 40 | 30 | 20 | 17 | 15 | 12 | 10 |
CW | 1.828 | 3.515 | 7.005 | 10.115 | 14.016 | 18.076 | 21.009 | 24.898 | 28.019 |
SSB | 3.795 | 7.125 | 14.215 | 18.140 | 21.290 | 24.940 | 28.450 | ||
RTTY | 3.595 | 7.049 | 10.140 | 14.080 | 18.103 | 21.080 | 24.910 | 28.080 | |
FT8 | 1.838 | 3.567 | 7.059 | 10.131 | 14.095 | 18.090 | 21.095 | 24.918 | 28.095 |
We will listen for US Generals on 14.280 and UP.
Please, if you don’t receive 73 in FT8, call back, thanks!
digital modes FT8 and FT4 we using MSHV in multistream mode