The photo of the TEAM

While the team waits to see the power generator’s motor repaired, take the opportunity to take photos.
The damage to the generator of the facility hosting the shipper has encountered a more serious problem than expected. A spare part is expected. The team is hopeful that we can continue the activity soon. Updates will follow.


Una risposta a “The photo of the TEAM”

  1. Avatar Thampi, vu2tmp
    Thampi, vu2tmp

    Very good DXpedition u have made. But for the power failure, every thing was fantastic. I appreciate your attitude equal to all, neither NA, nor EU classifications etc. etc. all are treated equal. Congratulations. Your software too fine. Independent.

    Hope to meet next DXpedetion

    VU2TMP Thampi

    (In some occassions, country wise grouping, has some errors. We will rectify it next time)

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